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I really want to know you! Would you please take 10 minutes to complete the form below and hit submit before our course begins? This will support me in serving you and knowing you and your goals and dreams better.

This is You!! Your story and your intentions….

My Full Name:
My Email Address:
Today’s Date:
My Birthday (Month and Day only):
I agree to the Amanda Moxley LLC Contract

My business (if applicable) Include the name and the type of business (health coaching, art, yoga, nutrition, etc.):
My Website:
My biggest obstacle and fear around money:
My vision for myself, my money, my business and my life for the next 6-12 months:
My WHY for this vision:
Why I decided to join this program:
My Intention for this course is… (Be as detailed as you can, because it will help you build the success mindset you will need)
How I heard about Amanda Moxley coaching:
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